9898888787 wearezero265@gmail.com www.zero265.com

, Vadodara, India - 390005

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About Zero265 in , Vadodara

Heard of 0265? Yes, we have heard about it too! But this time it is a little different. It used to be just a code which connected the world to Vadodara,but not anymore. The very same number now is a chance to let yourselves come into the world of fresh creative people in and around our city.

Must be wondering how we baked this name? Well, we managed to do it while literally hogging over endless cupcakes and gosh, haven’t we done a good job! (At least the aunty next door thinks we did!)

So what exactly is Zero265? It is a simple attempt to host an event where artistic souls from various fields can participate under one roof and reach out with their brands to the people of Baroda (Yes we still prefer Baroda over Vadodara!)

We are mad, we are colourful and we are dramatic (not even bragging about our sense of humour)! But that’s okay, Right? That makes us sound fun! Enough reason for you to visit us? No? Just Kidding, we have much bigger reasons(not disclosing them though) for you to come meet us and see our stuff!

Statutory Warning: Visiting Zero265 can make you fall in love with us and our products because of which you might not want to leave and go back home.

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