Passion Adventure Wisdom

Passion Adventure Wisdom


PAW, 241 vijaynagar 3 stage, Mysore, India -

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About Passion Adventure Wisdom in PAW, 241 vijaynagar 3 stage, Mysore

We offer end to end training and development solutions which are designed to meet day to day business and life expectations in a highly competitive world. Our programs incorporate a diverse set of comprehensive training solutions which are aimed at developing competencies and personality traits of individuals, teams and the institution as a whole.
Our training and development professionals come from strong and relevant backgrounds. We handpick people from across our network who carry the experience and expertise of having designed and delivered such flagship training modules in various spheres. Strong educational background and past engagements in similar programs enable our trainers to employ state of the art training methodologies and provide cutting edge training solutions.
A common belief holds that a well educated and highly competent individual can make a positive impact to his/her society. This inspires us to come together and strive hard to develop many such individuals who will certainly impact lives and make the world a better place.
We aim to deliver specialized training and development programs across the country to identify and nurture every individual's latent potential and transform it into excellence.
We offer in-depth training and development solutions which have been designed in accordance with the present day requirements of educational institutions and effectively address the challenges faced by them and their students.

Our mission is to transform every individual's latent potential into excellence as indicated by our motto. Our training techniques are designed innovatively using classic concepts with a modern twist.
"Winners do not do different things, they do things differently"
Similarly, it is not about what you teach, but how you teach. We reckon this to be one of the most neglected aspects of our elementary education. We believe in understanding the audience and then designing the specific courses using the most suitable training tools and techniques.
Classroom teaching is one of the most conventional and the most widespread forms of teaching. This provides complete theoretical knowledge and makes the foundation very strong. Practical teaching gives a live demonstration of the things learnt in the classroom which makes learning experiential and joyous. We have a mix of classroom and outdoor training techniques which ensure strong foundation of concepts along with live demonstrations and joy. A one-on-One discussion with an individual reveals a lot of information about him/her, which we channel towards their overall personality development.

We facilitate learning through the following:
Classroom sessions
•Individual and Group Presentations
•Indoor Activities
•Audio-Visual Aids and Online Aids
•Case Study Approach
Outdoor sessions
•Ice Breakers
•Experiential Learning(Adventure games, outdoor games)
•Team and Individual Games
•Role plays
•Developing Exposure
One-on-One Sessions
•Understanding the Individual's mindset and personality
•Understanding Strengths and Weaknesses
•Suggestions for improvement

The true success of an educational institution is always determined by the success of its past and the present students. A college will be positioned very high if its alumni have reached the top most peaks in their chosen field of endeavor. The high impact contributions these individuals make to their organizations, surroundings and to the society will directly or indirectly affect the brand equity of their institution. Therefore, an educational institution should strive hard to equip students with a comprehensive range of skills which will not only make them ready for the present day challenges, but also for the highly volatile future.
We comprehensively cater to all of the above needs. We shall certainly impact each and every individual irrespective of their background and abilities, as we firmly believe that everyone has some kind of hidden or concealed potential which needs to be unlocked and unraveled. This would certainly impact the students as they shall understand infinite possibilities that lie before them as they march towards excellence.
The students would stand more chances of getting hired in the campus placements by some of the well known companies. Our programs would focus on this aspect with a deliberate attempt to increase the campus placement success ratio of students across specializations. We would also make a conscious attempt to identify budding entrepreneurs and equip them with the necessary tools to become tomorrow's Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.
Also, we would be more than happy to tap into our wide network of entrepreneurs and companies and encourage them to network with the institution.

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