Taj InnerCircle

Taj InnerCircle

91617 0 Hotel Resort

+91 22 6601 4842 innercircle@tajhotels.com www.tajhotels.com/reward-programmes/tajinnercircle/index.html

, Mumbai, India -

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About Taj InnerCircle in , Mumbai

Taj InnerCircle is the consumer loyalty program of the Taj Group. Valid at 80 hotels in India and 16 international hotels, it is the largest hotel loyalty program in India. Since its inception in 1999, it has been an industry leader and won numerous accolades including the Freddies. On 15th June 2015, it was Reborn with a host of exciting new features spread across the 5 pillars of Unparalleled Scale, A Simplified Wallet, Flexible As You Are, Experiences Define You and Surprises. Keep checking in to discover more…

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